The past few days have deffinetly been activity filled, and it's not even over!
The week began rather unfortunately however as this head cold that doesn't seem to want to leave me took a fierce grip on monday and tuesday leaving me with what felt like a vice grip around my head so the better part of the days were spent in bed. But, things could not remain this way as tuesday eve I had a half day editorial shoot for Secreto magazine.
I had worked with the photographer previously as he was the one who shot the Colombo campaign a few weeks ago featuring Morwenna and I. I was very excited to be working with him again as the first experience was nothing but wonderful.
Alas, I fought off my dreadful feeling head and had a great shoot! The theme was a bit avant garde portrait style and we quickly and easily achieved the eight shots we needed.
Goofing off with the photographer |
Wednesday Morwenna and I headed to the City Hall area to check out something new, apparently no Koreans think City Hill is nothing special to go see, but we did stumble upon some interesting things!
We went to Seoul Plaza, basically an open square that was apparently an area of celebration for football fans when Seoul hosted the World Cup but is now used for various events. Well, the event that we stumbled upon was some sort of Energy Conference thing. There were all sorts of activities promoting saving energy. We even did one where we rode stationary bikes in order to power a candy floss machine and make our own candy floss. We were finally able to achieve our goal once we were told that we would get to eat the candy floss.
sound equipment being powered by stationary bikes
Since we were in the area Morwenna and I also decided to check out a nearby Palace, it was gorgeous and a nice break from the downtown core of Seoul. On our way in though all of a sudden Morwenna turns around and there was a traditional parade going past us that seemed to have come out of nowhere!
Yesterday I wanted to make sure I got souvenirs to bring back to London and to send to Canada as time has flown here in Seoul and I only have a few weeks left. In order to achieve this goal my partner in crime, yes, Morwenna and I returned to Insa-dong, the traditional tourist area. Not only were souvenir purchases the purpose of our visit to Insa-dong, but Morwenna wanted to check out a vegetarian restaurant she had seen on a blog ( and after finally walking around and getting confused we located it.
It was a beautiful restaurant with an excellent atmosphere, we even got to sit on cushions on the floor! I had a lovely Soy Protein stew and Morwenna had an interesting take on bimibap.
With full bellies we were able to get our souvenirs and begin our walk back to the station to return home. But nope, apparently our excitement wasn't yet over, on our walk we ran into a few interesting things. First of all, we saw a traditional dance and music celebration taking place, filled with older men and women dancing with free spirits and full of life. This was such an unexpected and fantastic thing to witness.
We also soon realised that our path to the subway station had brought us thru old man's land it seemed! There were old men playing games, eating food, drinking, having a laugh and just talking about what were probably "the good 'ol days".
The day wasn't over yet as later that night after taking a rest at home Morwenna and I decided to meet up with one of our managers Emilie in Hongdae, the university area which is known for bars, clubs and an indie scene. After checking out a few places (and being turned down by one bar as apparently it was a no-foreigners allowed spot) and sitting in a square with beers watching some live music, we ended up at a "Ho-Bar" and had a dance before heading home.
Be sure to check back in a few days as in an hour we are heading to the country with the agency for the night and I'm sure I will come back with some stories and photos to share!